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Oregon Law Resources

Oregon State Bar

The Oregon State Bar (OSB) was established in 1935 by the Oregon Legislative Assembly to license and discipline lawyers, regulate the practice of law, and provide a variety of services to bar members and the public. The bar is a public corporation and an instrument of the Oregon Judicial Department. It is funded entirely by membership and program fees, and does not receive any financial support in the form of taxpayer dollars from the states general fund. Membership is mandatory for lawyers who wish to practice law in Oregon.

Visit the web site at

Attorney Review Sites


FindLaw provides legal information, lawyer profiles and a community to help you make the best decision.

Visit our firm profile on the Findlaw web site: Black, Chapman, Petersen & Stevens

Individual attorney profiles are below:

Dennis Black
Bob Chapman
Art Stevens
Tom Petersen


Generations have relied on Martindale-Hubbell as the authoritative resource for information on the worldwide legal profession. With a history spanning 140 years, the Martindale-Hubbell Legal Network is powered by a database of over one million lawyers and law firms in over 160 countries.

Visit our firm profile on Martindale-Hubbell: Black, Chapman, Petersen & Stevens

Individual attorney profiles are below:

Dennis Black
Bob Chapman
Art Stevens
Tom Petersen


If you have a personal injury, workers' compensation, social security disability, elder or nursing home abuse, or sexual abuse case, please contact Black, Chapman, Petersen & Stevens by filling out the form below. The consultation is free and we only receive compensation if we obtain benefits for you.


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